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Das Beste daran: Wir schenken dir nach bestätigter Anmeldung 5x Protein 30 Schokolade Riegel zu deiner nächsten Bestellung.
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The new IronMaxx® Protein Muesli finally brings variety to the breakfast table! With almost 48% protein content, our new protein Muesli is not only the most protein-rich product on the market, it also contains little fat compared to common protein mueslis. Due to an additionally reduced carbohydrate and sugar content, our cereal is therefore not only suitable for the diet and muscle-building phase, but also as a healthy meal replacement and in between.
Because a varied and at the same time high-protein diet is still a challenge for many athletes. Although vegetables, fish and meat offer an almost inexhaustible range of low-calorie and high-quality protein sources for lunch and dinner, for breakfast, these are just for fitness beginners and conventional sports enthusiasts out of the question. Even vegans or people with lactose or gluten intolerance are currently looking in vain for suitable and first-class sources of protein between skimmed quark and low-fat natural yogurt.
Our new 48% high-protein cereal is therefore a true alternative to traditional animal protein sources. And more! It is the perfect combination of high protein content and carbohydrate and reduced fat ingredients. And it is available in 5 delicious variants. In addition to the classic flavors of chocolate and nut, it provides strawberry, banana and the neutral flake mix a wide range for everyone. And best of all: it's not just classic with milk a real treat. Just like its IronMaxx® relatives, it can be easily prepared with water, saving even more unnecessary fats and carbohydrates.
The new IronMaxx® 48% High Protein Muesli: an absolute world first! And so in any product range of other dietary supplement manufacturers to find!
Verzehren Sie 1 Portion täglich, um die angegebene positive Wirkung zu erzielen.
Vor Wärme, Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren. Proteine tragen zu einer Zunahme an Muskelmasse bei. Eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise sind wichtig. 30 % weniger Kohlenhydrate und Zucker gegenüber herkömmlichem Müsli.
Zutaten: SOJAflocken, SOJAcrispies mit Kakao (SOJAeiweiß, Reisgrieß, Zucker, stark entöltes Kakaopulver, SOJAmehl, Salz, natürliches Aroma), SOJAcrispies (SOJAeiweiß, Reisgrieß, SOJAmehl, Salz), Reiscrispies (Reismehl, HAFERmehl, WEIZENmehl, Zucker, GERSTENmalzmehl, Salz), Aroma, Leinsamen, WEIZENcrispies (WEIZENmehl, Zucker, stark entöltes Kakaopulver, WEIZENmalzmehl, Salz, natürliches Aroma), stark entöltes Kakaopulver, Dextrin, Inulin, Süßungsmittel (Sucralose, Steviolglycoside).
Kann Spuren enthalten von LUPINE, EI und MILCH.
Pro 100 g | Pro 50g | |
Energie | 1728 kJ / 412 kcal | 864 kJ / 206 kcal |
Fette | 16 g | 7,8 g |
davon gesättigte | 3,0 g | 1,5 g |
Kohlenhydrate | 23 g | 11 g |
davon Zucker | 8,3 g | 4,2 g |
Ballaststoffe | 9,3 g | 4,7 g |
Protein | 41 g | 20 g |
Salz | 0,98 g | 0,49 g |